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Discover who you are then discover what job best fits you.

We provide a platform that matches you to jobs based on your unique characteristics and this is defined by your Job Fit Score that shows you how well you fit into a job role.

Complete A 7 Minute Assessment

is backed by The Big Five Assessment, a major player in the psychometric arena for decades. Our algorithm uses your job fit scores to find jobs best matched to your personality.

Take the test

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Find out your personality traits.

Our algorithm will work out job fit scores that best match your personality and from there, we will suggest job vacancies that best match your job fit score. You then decide which job you`'d like to apply for.

This is How We Do It

What is a
Job Fit Score

  • It is a score based on a fully validated assessment that provides the data to determine if your personality characteristics fit the job by comparing your traits to those of successful performers in more than 60 job functions.
  • Each job function has traits that determine its success. We filter your suitability to a job based on your Job Fit scores.
  • We also rank the possibility of your success in a job function based on your Job Fit scores from highest to lowest.
Get my job fit score

What is an
Engagement Report

  • Through a set of questions asked, this will determine how you feel about your current job, how committed you are to the organization and how much effort you put into your work.
  • This is a report that indicates how dedicated you are to your current employer.
  • It shows whether you’re a happy camper and if you’re willing to go the extra mile for your current employers.
Get my engagement report

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